Courses > Frontline Communication Course

Frontline Communication


Audition your team before putting them on the frontline. Rehearsals are key to a great performance in any situation. Using professional actors to role-play real life scenarios is a signature feature of this style of live and interactive training.

It offers an unparalleled experience for all participants with all the intensity and emotion of an everyday encounter in a safe environment.

Interactive training helps your team prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations. Each scenario is specifically chosen to highlight workplace behaviours that are unique to your organisation. Honest and constructive feedback from the actor allows people to reflect on how their actions and behaviours impact others.

Highlights include:

  • Understanding how and why people are likely to respond to different approaches and attitudes.

  • How to develop a sense of what people are really thinking and feeling in any given moment.

  • How to react effectively as situations evolve rather than being overwhelmed by events.

  • The tools to develop quick and instinctive reactions when dealing with customers or clients.

  • How to remain calm under pressure when dealing with conflict or emotionally charged circumstances.